Happy New Year 2019

I hope you have all had a good Christmas. This note is to let you know about the first Social Meeting of 2019, our annual ACBO meal out and the storage and mooring fees for the coming year.

Social Meeting and Annual Dinner

At the last Social meeting in December we said there would be no January meeting because we thought the first Monday of January was the 1st. Now we have actually looked at our diaries we realise it is the 7th January! So there will be a social meeting that night – 8pm Wivenhoe Sailing Club. Thanks to WSC for letting us use the Club for our Monday meetings throughout 2018! This is not a facility we take for granted.

ACBO Dinner at the King’s Arms, Frating, Saturday 12th January. If you want to come but you have not yet booked up with Dave Hayes please do so now. There is space for more people (23 booked so far). You need to give Dave your menu selection and pay a 10.00 deposit..

Mooring and Storage Fees for 2019

As you know the management committee agreed new mooring and storage fees for 2019 to ensure we cover all the costs of running the Co-operative.

The fees will be as follows and will be due in February.

Membership: £10.00 (same as before)
Mooring £75.00 ((increase of 25.00 to cover public liability insurance for moorings)
Storage : inside / outside £6.00 per foot/ £4.50 per foot
Dinghy storage (if not tender to stored boat) £40.00

Please note that you will be required to provide signed paperwork and not just the money. We will have a new moorings agreement with Colchester Borough Council which includes stricter rules about checking moorings and keeping boats tidy. When you have a mooring licence with ACBOC you will be signing up to abide by the new mooring rules.

Happy New Year

I hope 2019 is a good year for you all. We look forward to seeing more of you at our social meetings, working parties, sailing and social events –as a Co -operative we rely on your participation to make it work for everybody.

Spare a thought for Bill and Brenda who are suffering record high temperatures in Australia while we bask in a high pressure area bringing us calm and mild conditions in the UK ( don’t speak too soon!)

Best Wishes and Happy New Year


2 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2019

  1. Hi, I am looking at a boat for sale by one of your menbers. How do i go about joining the club and retaining the mooring it is on. thankyou

    • Allan,
      Thank you for the enquiry. In the first instance it is necessary to join ACBO. Initally by contacting Paul Killick, details are on the contact page. This can be by telephone or email. You should then attend the next social meeting which is held at Wivenhoe Sailing Club on the first Monday of the month. At that meeting you will be introduced as a prospective member. Assuming all is acceptable to both sides it will be possible to apply for a mooring in the creek. A mooring licence is non transferable therefore it is not possible for a seller to guarantee, transfer or sublet the mooring licence, even if the boat you are intending to purchase is currently moored there. We will however do our best to accommodate you, any further information you require can be addressed at the meeting.

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