Filming in the Creek

The filming that was scheduled to take place at the creek, is now due to begin. The crew are already down there making changes to surroundings to suit the period of the series. Today most of the boats, that were potentially in shot, have now been relocated for a couple of weeks .
This is just a heads up for you in case you visit the creek from 7th April for about 10 days. It will probably be very congested. I hope this doesn’t interfere too much with your boating plans, and hope we can all get out there and enjoy a summer sailing season soon.

Update March 29th 2021

Acting on RYA guidance, the shed site will reopen for sailing, rowing, paddling and boat maintenance on March 29th.
We will not be able to use the communal facilities until later on. Hot water and antibacterial soap is available if required. The RYA advises that single handed sailing and with a crew from the same bubble or household is permitted.  If you intend to sail with any other crew, please refer to the RYA guidance.

Please continue to observe social distancing, respecting the personal space required for safe working.

RYA advice and FAQ:- Click here

RYA Summary Chart:-Click here

COVID update March 2021

ACBOC is affiliated to the RYA and the link below shows the current advice they provide to be used alongside the government guidelines.

RYA advice to clubs:- click here


1​ The sheds can be visited to access boats and belongings.

2​ You may take your boat out for recreation and launch from a public place

3​ General maintenance is not permitted

4 ​visiting boats to check on security, tarpaulins,batteries etc. is allowed.

This is our interpretation of the government guidelines.

Please also see the RYA advice, posted above.

If the government roadmap to recovery continues, we shall proceed according to their advice. Please continue to act respectfully to others when visiting the sheds

February meeting and AGM

There will not be a zoom meeting on the 1st Monday in February, as we are both in the throes of renewals and preparing for the AGM

This will be a zoom meeting and a short newsletter including the link for the zoom meeting will be sent out to all 2020 members. If you are not renewing your membership for 2021, please disregard this notice. Your name will be removed from the database by MAY 1st 2021
Many thanks for the renewals already received. Keep them coming in.
Brenda ( ACBOC Secretary)