Notice to mariners

URGENT : Local Notice to Mariners for 26th September – 10th October 2020
Please find attached a local notice to mariners for work that APEM Ltd. will be completing
in the intertidal areas of the River Colne and Blackwater Estuary between 26th September
– 10th October 2020. It relates to the position of fyke nets which will be in situ for a 12hr
tidal cycle

Read the full notice here:

Laying up cruise

The laying up cruise is booked in to Bradwell marina and The Green Man for October 3rd. If you would like to join us on this cruise please speak to Dave Hayes, or text him to let him know your boat name, length and beam and draught. Also let him know numbers who would like to eat at the Green Man, with the Covid precautions in place. 

It’s a shame that our only cruises this year have been to Bradwell, but our earlier trip was very enjoyable, and it’s well worth a repeat. Difficulties with booking Heybridge and Tollesbury this year have removed them from this year’s calendar. Hopefully next season will be different.

Covid 19 Update

Progressing with caution
May 13th

Following the Government announcement on Sunday 10 May the rules about the response to the COVID 19 pandemic have changed. People are now permitted to travel to other destinations in order to exercise, but that any activity will still need to be carried out alone or with members of a single household and social distancing must be followed at all times.

The ACBOC Management Committee interprets this to mean that those people that need to carry out essential maintenance on their boats at the Alresford Creek Boatsheds, will be able to do so as long as they are working with strict adherence to the guidelines laid out.

This means working alone or with someone from your own household, keeping 2 metres apart from anyone else and being aware of others personal space when moving around in the sheds.

The guidance also means that members may use their own boats as individuals or in household groups taking extra precautions to reduce the likelihood of calling on emergency services.

The kitchen area should only be used for hand washing. Bring your own flask and mug if you want hot drinks.

Safe cruiser launching is not possible under the revised guidelines.

A link to Brightlingsea harbour authority will keep you up to date with their current policy.

Also for current information please follow the link below to the RYA and scroll to the section on recreational boating that is being updated daily.


On behalf of the ACBOC Management Committee

Corona Virus – Covid 19 Update

To All Members of Alresford Creek Boat Owner’s Cooperative (ACBO)

The Coronavirus pandemic poses a real threat to each and every one of us and risks overwhelming our health service. This means that regretfully life and leisure pursuits that we are used to and are important to us cannot continue as normal for the time being. The management committee has had an email discussion about what this means for ACBO and agreed the following :

In order to save lives and protect the community from the Coronavirus the ACBO management committee has decided that the Boat Shed premises at Alresford Creek will be closed and out of bounds until further notice.

It is inappropriate to potentially put unnecessary pressure on the emergency services by engaging in non–essential activities ( eg boating and associated activities).

CCTV will remain in operation and the neighbours of the Sheds will be asked to keep an eye out and report any problems to avoid anyone having to travel there on a regular basis.

A committee member will only attend the sheds if there is a report of an emergency.

Corona Virus – Covid 19

As a result of the Coronavirus outbreak in the UK and following Government advice issued on Monday 16th March:

It is with regret that we are cancelling the ACBO meetings that take place on the first Monday of each month until further notice.

We will not be organising working parties at the Creek or at the sheds for the foreseeable future

The sailing programme will be reviewed in the light of the prevailing advice.

The management committee will conduct its business via email until further notice

If you visit the sheds follow advice about hand washing and keeping 2 metres distance between you and other members

If you have travelled to Coronovirus hotspot areas, if you have had contact with family members or friends who have the symptoms associated with the Coronovirus, ( fever and dry cough) or are experiencing those symptoms yourself please do not go to the sheds in case you are in contact with other members there.

We will be in touch again when we are able to resume ACBO activities.