This page is about money saving tips and techniques. This is not intended to be a definitive how to but simply to show one technique. If you would like to add or request something please contact the webmaster using the button below.
Splicing Double Braid
Creating an eye splice in double braid polyester.
Flemish Eye Splice (Reeving Eye)
Soft Shackles
Strong Dyneema soft shackle
How to tie a strong soft shackle in 6mm Dyneema
DIamond knot soft shackle
This version of the Dyneema soft shackle is easier to tie but is not as strong as that using the button knot.
Laying a screw anchor mooring
Laying a helical anchor mooring, with costs. Smaller file.
Mooring 24 (file above) edited to include photos, Warning, this version is a large file.